A low VOC Biodiesel solvent system that is compiled from methyl esters and vegetable oils. Together with DMIPA amine gas, resin usage and cycle times are drastically reduced while still making a quality core and providing higher productivity. Better release from the corebox reduces damaged cores, use of less release agents along with providing much less odour. Cores made from BioCure and coated with a aqueous based refractory coating become stronger. Low VOC's with 30% lower HAP's provides environmental benefits for the foundry.
A Phenolic Urethane process that provides performance capabilities in a high productivity large volume production. High tensile strengths, long shelf life and superior hot strengths are just some of the benefits in using Sigma Cure. Long shelf life is a benefit provided by this product line.
A environmentally advantageous binder system with a specially designed solvent package containing methyl ester vegetable oils. Very low free formaldehyde <0.1% aids in reductions of VOC's in the foundry coupled with low odour and smoke. Increased tensile strengths and scratch hardness potentially helps reduce scrap and mold breakouts.
No Bake Resin
Utilizes the phenolic urethane no bake (PUNB) process. Providing value and performance it is widely used throughout the industry. It provides superior hot strength in ferrous applications while achieving high tensile strength.
No Bake Resin
A product widely used in steel metal casting and is an alternative to the conventional PNUB process and is comprised of only two components. It offers very low odour, low nitrogen and VOC's, zero sulfur and excellent pattern release.
No Bake Resin
A low viscosity thermosetting furan based resin which has specifically designed for 3D core printing machines. The product contains no nitrogen, non-reportable formaldehyde and phenol while providing low viscosity and high tensile strengths.
System uses vaporized methyl formate gas to achieve a fast cure and can be utilized in a highly automated environment. Some benefits of this product is low or no nitrogen, no odour, no sulfur and provides reduced expansion defects.
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